Draft National Standards for Children's Social Services

Public consultation feedback form
10 March 2021

The Health Information and Quality Authority is holding a public consultation to give people an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft standards. Your views are very important to us, and we will carefully assess all feedback received and use it to help develop the final standards.

The standards and a related statement of outcomes document (a summary of the responses) will be published once the standards have been approved.

Please note: the focus for this consultation is the content and structure of the draft standards. The final design and layout of the standards will be developed after the public consultation.

We would like your feedback on each of the sections in the document. There are also some general questions about the overall document. For each comment you make, it would help us if you provided the section and page number your comment relates to. We welcome responses to all questions as well as any additional general comments you would like to make.

The closing date for the public consultation is 5pm on 21 April 2021.